Friday, March 3, 2017

Redmond City Council is Podcasting their Committee Meetings

City of Redmond leads the eastside with innovative Open Government podcasts

The City of Redmond published their first Video Podcast of a Council Committee meeting this week. These Council Committee meetings are really the only time Council can gather as a whole to mingle and discuss business with staff.  The meetings are critical to city workings; and where the rubber meets the road.  Council committee meetings are held at 4:30.  The convenience of a podcast (video file) opens government.  I'll publish the podcasts as I can and they're available on the city website.

The Council Public Safety Committee meeting was their first audio-filed meeting.  It was chaired by CM Byron Shutz, with CM Stilin, CM Carson, CM Birney, and CM Margeson in attendance. 

Some interesting topics were discussed:  The glue truck spill, emergency preparedness for the snowfall, a new CPR system, School Resources Officers, the who's and what's of Fire personnel promotions and at the end of the meeting a funny chatter about "Police Badges."

Council holds four Committee Meetings a month at 4:30 p.m. 

--Parks and Human Resources (1st Tues of the month,) -- Parks and Public Works (2nd Tues of the month,) -- Public Safety (3rd Tues. of the month,) and -- Finance, Administration and Communication (4th Tuesday of the month.) 

Wouldn't it be helpful and healthy if the Lake Washington School District Directors would podcast their study sessions?   They meet with staff  at 5:30 over a catered dinner.   

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