Wednesday, October 5, 2016

ATTN: Middle school students and old timers: Don't miss the "Salmon in the Forest" event!

 The Trout Steam Exhibit is totally amazing!  
“Deep Forest” printed with permission from artist Ray Troll, and new 
NW Stream Center interpretive sign focal point

On Thursday, October 13th, 3PM the Adopt A Stream Foundation (AASF) is presenting Salmon in the Forest at the Northwest Stream Center in Snohomish County’s Mc Collum Park (600-128th Street SE, Everett WA 98209).  

This  unique event is geared for middle school kids to old-timers.  After viewing trout, sculpin, crawfish, and fresh water mussels through viewing windows into a very unique Trout Stream Exhibit, you will see a wonderful 45-minute film called the Salmon Forest (narrated by Dr. David Suzuki). Then, you will enjoy a naturalist led tour of the new 1/2 mile long Elevated Nature Walk through the Northwest Stream Center’s own Salmon Forest.  

Reservations are required by calling 425-316-8592: $7 Adopt A Stream Foundation Members; $10 non-members; attendance is limited to 30 per event.  The trail along the Trout Stream Exhibit and the Elevated Nature Walk are universally accessible.

“The Salmon Forest film presents the fragile connection between salmon, bears, trees and people in NW rainforest,” say AASF Director Tom Murdoch.   Everyone who has attended past Salmon in the Forest events raved:  “It was great” said Darlene Calene.  “I was amazed that I learned so much in such a short time!”  Julie Anne Billings added “It was a most interesting movie and I loved the Salmon in the Forest walk.

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