Sunday, September 25, 2016

Redmond Historical Society Program, Snoqualmie Falls Hydro Plant

Through historic photographs and records from the archives of Puget Sound Energy, Elizabeth Dubreuil, PSE Cultural Resource Scientist, will speak about how one man’s vision for a hydroelectric power system in the Northwest served as a microcosm of the power industry struggles taking place throughout the Nation around the turn of the 20th century.

Saturday, October 8th
The Snoqualmie Falls Hydro Plant: One Man’s Vision
10:30am – noon (Doors open 10:00)
Redmond Historical Society Speaker Series
Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center
16600 NE 80th St., Redmond, WA.
$5 suggested donation for non-members
Speakers subject to change.
For details:

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