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When I checked the King County site, (red link) I found eight Level 2 or Level 3 registered sex offenders living within 2 miles of my home. We live less than 2 miles from 3 schools. Bob Yoder
There are many sex offenders throughout King County, so while it is important to be aware of registered sex offenders in your neighborhood, it is also important to practice safety precautions at all times. We recommend you regularly check Level 2 and Level 3 Sex Offenders in your community. You are able to search the database based on a specific address, city, or by using the offender's name.
Sex Offenders are classified into one of three levels based upon the crime they were convicted of and their history:
Level 1
Most registered sex offenders are classified as Level 1 offenders. They are considered a low risk to re-offend. These individuals may be first time offenders and usually know their victims.
Level 2
Level 2 offenders have a moderate risk of re-offending. They generally have more than one victim and the abuse may be long term. These offenders usually groom their victims and may use threats. These crimes may be predatory with the offender using a position of trust to commit them. Typically these individuals do not appreciate the damage they have done to victims.
Level 3
Level 3 offenders are considered a high risk to re-offend. They usually have one or more victims and may have committed prior crimes of violence. They may not know their victim(s). The crime may show cruelty to the victim(s) and these offenders usually deny or minimize the crime. These offenders commonly have clear indications of a personality disorder. Read More >>
Sex offenders have always lived in our communities, but it wasn't until the Community Protection Act of 1990 passed, which mandates sex offender registration, that law enforcement agencies even knew where they lived. In many cases, police departments are able to share that information with you. Abuse of this information to threaten, intimidate, or harass registered sex offenders will not be tolerated. Such abuse can potentially end law enforcement's ability to share information. We believe the only people who "win" if information is not shared are sex offenders, since they derive power through secrecy.
FAQ About Registered Sex Offenders
Can cities restrict where sex offenders live?
No. Federal and state courts have repeatedly struck down local ordinances that restrict where persons may live. The courts have found that the Constitution protects individual rights, including the individual rights of sex offenders who have served time in facilities.
How does Redmond PD notify people about offenders?
The Redmond Police Department informs people as soon as they know about registered level 2 and level 3 offenders. If a sex offender is being released from jail, the Police typically has 30 days advance notice if there is an intention to move here. However, if a registered sex offender moves from one location to another, then the police may have no notice at all. In the case of a level three offender, those living close by are notified. Police officers will attend community meetings if a neighborhood desires to talk specifics.
What does it mean to be a registered sex offender?
All sex offenders released from prison following conviction must register with the Sheriff's department in the county in which they choose to live. The Sheriff‘s Department then notifies the local jurisdiction. A registered sex offender is required to notify local law enforcement where they live within 24 hours of moving.
Besides registering, what else is a registered sex offender required to do?
Some have additional restrictions placed upon them as a condition of their release or probation. However, not all registered sex offenders have additional conditions beyond registering and meeting with their assigned probation officer.
How can we make sure children are safe?
Children are particularly vulnerable to sex offenders. Open communication between parents and children is vital to family safety. If a picture is available of the offender, show it to your family. In general terms, tell your children that this person has hurt someone before. Explain that they should stay away from this individual. Avoid scary details. Also, it is vital that parents:- Know where their children are and who their friends are.
- Have a family password. If anyone approaches your children or contacts them, then have a secret password that you use to make sure that person is legitimate.
- Review safety rules regarding not letting people in the house, not giving away information on the phone or in person, what to say when someone calls or knocks on the door.
- Communicate with your child about what is going on in their lives.
- Encourage them to talk to a trusted adult if they are afraid.
Do offenders have restrictions on where they can live?
It depends on whether the offender is under supervision by the Department of Corrections/Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration. If so, they have certain limitations or restrictions placed on them by the Department of Corrections or the sentencing court upon their release from incarceration. These may include: residency restrictions, not being around children, having a curfew, or not drinking alcohol or taking drugs. If they are found to be in violation of their restrictions, they may be sent back to jail or to prison. Offenders who have completed their time under supervision can live where they choose without restrictions.
What do I do if I see the offender doing something I think is suspicious?
Call local law enforcement or the sheriff's office and report it. It is best to let law enforcement handle the situation rather than taking it into your own hands. If you know an offender's specific restrictions and you witness a violation, call 911 or call the community corrections officer at the Department of Corrections.
Signs of Sexual Interest in Children
Signs of Sexual Interest in Children
Remember: Children are most often molested by someone they know or whom the parents know. Potential signs of sexual interest in children are if an adult:
- Refuses to let a child set any of his or her own limits?
- Insists on hugging, touching, kissing, tickling, wrestling with or holding a child even when the child does not want affection?
- Is overly interested in the sexuality of a particular child or teen (e.g. talks repeatedly about the child's developing body or interferes with normal teen dating)?
- Manages to get time alone or insists on time alone with a child without interruptions?
- Encourages silence or secrets with a child?
- Spends spare time with children and has little interest in spending time with someone his/her own age?
- Regularly offers to babysit many different children for free or takes children on overnight outings alone?
- Buys children expensive gifts or gives them money for no apparent reason?
- Allows children to consistently get away with inappropriate behaviors?
- Talks repeatedly about the sexual activities of children or teens?
Warning Signs of Child Abuse
Any one sign does not mean that a child was abused. Some of the behaviors below can show up during stressful times in a child's life, as well as when abuse occurs. If you see several of these signs in a child, please begin to ask questions.
- Nightmares, trouble sleeping, fear of the dark, or other sleeping problems.
- Extreme fear of "monsters."
- Spacing out at times.
- Loss of appetite, or trouble eating or swallowing.
- Sudden mood swings: rage, fear, anger, or withdrawal.
- Fear of certain people or places. For example: a child may not want to be left alone with a baby-sitter, a friend, a relative, or another child or adult; or a child who is usually talkative and cheery may become quiet and distant when around a certain person.
- Stomach illness all of the time with no identifiable reason.
- An older child behaving like a younger child such as bed-wetting or thumb-sucking.
- Sexual activities with toys or other children, such as simulating sex with dolls or asking other children / siblings to behave sexually.
- New words for private body parts.
- Refusing to talk about a "secret" he/she has with an adult or older child.
- Talking about a new older friend.
- Suddenly having money.
- Cutting or burning her/himself as an adolescent.
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