Thursday, March 24, 2016

Fight Climate Change with Eastside Master Recycler Composter training

Seattle Tilth Trains New Master Recycler Composter Volunteers this Spring 
Composter In Action
Are you passionate about the environment and want to make a positive change in your community? Concerned about climate change, but don’t know how to help? Seattle Tilth’s Master Recycler Composter Eastside trains community members to become environmental stewards -- and climate change heroes -- through sustainable gardening, composting, natural lawn care and water conservation.

Industrial agriculture is one of the driving forces behind climate change, producing 25% of carbon emissions through the use of fossil fuel-based fertilizers and widespread deforestation. Food waste in landfills also contributes to climate change, creating nearly one quarter of methane emissions in the US. Gardening and composting are some of the simplest and most effective ways for you to combat climate change, right from your own backyard!

The Master Recycler Composter Eastside brings together a diverse team of community volunteers to participate in 28 hours of classroom learning, hands-on practice and field trips. Learn how to compost while learning about soil science, gardening, recycling and storm water management! Training includes eight sessions during four weeks starting on Wednesday, April 6 at McAuliffe Park in Kirkland.

After the training, Master Recycler Composters contribute 35 hours of volunteer outreach, teaching practical techniques to other community members in the greater Eastside area. Volunteers work on projects of their own choosing – at schools, churches, community centers, businesses and community gardens.

Apply by March 31
The Master Recycler Composter Eastside program is for King County residents and adjacent Snohomish County neighbors. Read More >>

Live in Seattle or South King County? We also offer similar programs for those areas.

Applications for the Master Recycler Composter Eastside are due by Thursday, March 31. Bilingual applicants are encouraged to apply.

Come to an Eastside volunteer orientation to get your questions answered! It's on Tuesday, March 1,6-7p.m. at McAuliffe Park, 10824 NE 116th St, Kirkland, WA 98034. Get directions.
The Master Recycler Composter Eastside program is funded through a grant by the Washington State Department of Ecology.

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