Wednesday, October 28, 2015

UPDATED: Redmond resident urges Council to vote against Initiative 1366 and quotes some alarming statistics about Redmond's low voter turnout

During last night's City Council Special Meeting on Initiative I 1366 a longtime Redmond resident Andrew Villeneuve spoke up against I-1366 in "Items from the Audience".  He specifically asked Council to vote on a Resolution to oppose I -1366 concerning state taxes and fees. His argument against I-1366 is here. After robust conversation, Council voted 5-2 (Myers and Carson) to oppose I-1366.  Myers and Carson believe the public is smart enough to decide how to vote without guidance from the government.

Mr. Villeneuve's presentation included some alarming statistics about "the abysmal turnout" to date in this year's election, as follows:

  • Of the 28,168 registered voters in Redmond only 2542 ballots have been returned as of last night -- that represents a 9% voter turnout in Redmond so far.  
  • Another way to look at it: "91% of Redmond's registered voters have yet to vote in this election"
  • Fewer than 10% of the voters in King County have returned ballots in King County.
Attention Redmond Registered Voters!  Please take a few minutes out of your day to vote and mail your ballots.  Ballots must be returned by November 3. In case you didn't know, a drive-through Ballot Drop Box is located at City Hall for you convenience. No stamps required.  

Bob Yoder  

1 comment:

Elizabeth Hansford said...

Voter turnout is generally pathetic* and I applaud Mr. Villeneuve's efforts to remind everyone to take the time to vote and make their voices heard. However, I don't know that looking at the statistics 5-days before election day and claiming that people aren't going to be voting in this election is a fair assessment. In the past, when people had to actually to to the polls, voter turnout to date would be 0%. Just because we can, doesn't mean we have to vote early.

I've seen lots of discussion around Redmond issues and some people may still be weighing their choices. Others, like myself, may have completed their ballot, but are waiting to turn it in (I didn't want it sitting in the box by city hall and wasn't sure how often they pick up).

So yes, everyone, get out and vote - turn it in by 8:00pm Tuesday, November 3

*City of Redmond Nov 2013 turnout was just 47% of registered voters - couldn't find detail for Nov 2014

WA State Voter Participation:
Current ballot return statistics:
Where you can drop off your ballot: