Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Opposing opinions on the traffic in Redmond

COMMENTARY:  The 'rechanneliztion' project on 166th is a complete fiasco, and the incompetents responsible for it should be fired, with the salary budget thus saved earmarked for undoing the damage they have wrought. 
The total failure of traffic planners to come up with solutions to improve the flow of north-south traffic on Willows, RedWood, or Avondale has turned 116th St/172nd Ave/111th St/166th Ave into an arterial, and the clumsy efforts made by Redmond's traffic planning department have made matters much worse. Traffic now backs up all the way from 80th to 104th after work, and the brain-dead placement of islands next to bus stops merely proves that the designers were clueless. 
In terms of any conceivable metric of utilization per unit area, the bicycle lanes on 166th are unjustifiable, and should be removed immediately, along with the islands. 
Bicyclists are Redmond's most ridiculously overserved minority, and a rigorous study to free up the space wasted on empty bike lanes elsewhere is long overdue--we may have once been the 'Bicycle Capital of the Northwest', but that was before we became the undisputed tacky downtown apartment complex capital of the region.
Someone with more sense than the current traffic department needs to look at the irrational and inconsistent speed limits on our streets--111th, with zero driveways or houses facing it has a limit of 25, while 51st, with driveways, has a 35 mph limit--higher than 166th or Redmond Way.

Source:  recent comment published on a blog post dated 2/14/2011


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