Wednesday, May 27, 2015

City Council and Mayor meet with Parks and Trails Commissioners to study the proposal for a new pool, community center, teen center and senior center

The City Council (minus Stillin and Allen) met with eight Parks and Trails Commissioners to study "The Recreation Master Plan" composed of a proposed new city pool, recreation center, teen center and senior center (Community Center).  Past Parks Chair Tom Sanko ran down a list characteristics as to why the Community Center should be located in the downtown core ie. contribution to economic vitality, walkability, reduce congestion, more transit options, near trail connections, multiple car routes. 

Mayor Marchione asked if we needed a new pool.  Parks Chair and future councilmember Angela Birney said Hartman Pool can be expected to fail in 3-5 years and it will be down for one week of repairs this year.  Mayor Marchione said "it was hanging on by a thread."  Others said there were not enough places in the area for swim lessons and a new pool would be a good recreation center especially in the winter months.  They see the pool as muli-purpose and not just for competitive swimming.

Council President Margeson said it was urgent that the city needs a new pool and community center.  He said the Old Redmond School House Community Center is owned by LWSD and they may have plans to take it back.  Mayor Marchione said Council met with the City of Kirkland about their plans for a new pool and said "I don't find anything that gets city council excited" about going in with them on a new pool. 

Most all at the table agreed it would be good to look into a Metropolitan Park District to include taxpayers in the 98053 zip code to help with funding.  Residents on Union Hill and Redmond Ridge use Redmond recreation programs now and could be expected to use a new "Community Center". Mayor Marchione said he talked with King County about siting the Community Center in Marymoor Park but they wanted nothing to do with it plus Council wanted the center to be downtown.  Belleuve and Kirkland are both looking to build new pools and Councilmember Carson suggested we try to work with them to cut costs. 

Councilmember Hank Myers said "we've been wrestling with this for four years and seem to be going in circles."  He asked the commission for better guidance and was disappointed they were not making more progress.  Angela Birney suggested a Steering Committee. 

Mayor Marchione said there were four sites under consideration and asked each member to list their favorite site.  Seven members (Myers) liked the largest and most expensive "West Park" site (South of 85th and east of 154th).  Carson liked the North West Park site where the city owns some land.
Flynn, Margeson, and Shutz like the site across from City Hall on 85th.  Four members like the fire station/skate board park site, including Shutz as his second choice.  The Mayor didn't state a preference but Shutz usually always represents what the Mayor wants.

Reported by Bob Yoder 


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