Tuesday, April 14, 2015

LWSD Facilities Planning Task Force seeks input online and at April 29 meeting

Redmond, Wash. – Lake Washington School District’s Long-Term Facilities Planning Task Force seeks community input on how to address the district’s classroom capacity needs and aging facilities. Feedback will be gathered through an online open house April 20-28 and at the Task Force’s April 29 meeting.
The Task Force's Working Subcommittee (WSC) will use a framework of resource levels to help develop recommendations. This framework builds on what they have learned and discussed about the district’s capacity, enrollment, building conditions and other topics. The framework provides an organizing structure for potential levels of investment. It also compares and contrasts trade-offs for different strategies.
The district invites the community to review the framework and provide feedback. The Task Force will use this input in its work.
Visit and provide input via the online open house beginning April 20
The framework will be added to the online open house. Provide input by reviewing the framework and answering questions on the online open house between April 20 and April 28.
The online open house is an ongoing opportunity to be part of the conversation about the district’s facilities challenges. It will continue to be updated at key milestones. The open house will stay online until the Task Force makes its final recommendation. That recommendation is expected in June 2015.
Attend the Task Force’s April 29 meeting
The Task Force will meet on April 29 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at Rose Hill Middle School Commons. The meeting will include a workshop session. In that session, community members are invited to join the Task Force in small group conversations about the framework, resource levels and strategies. Following the workshop session, the Task Force will meet and provide guidance to the WSC on the framework based on community input.
The WSC will use the Task Force’s guidance and the framework to evaluate costs considering different conditions. For example, the currently projected needs and class size reductions being considered in the legislature have different facility implications.  This input and further feedback opportunities this spring will help the WSC and Task Force develop final recommendations.

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