Saturday, March 7, 2015

LETTER: Watson Asphalt Paving has been violating their 1990 permit - toxic fumes released

I just read your blog about the two talks I gave to Redmond City Council on October 21, 2014 ( I've been talking to the Mayor and Council about Watson's toxic fumes and unpleasant odors since September 17, 2013.
In my most recent talk at City Hall, I pointed out that Watson Asphalt Paving Company has been violating their 1990 permit by using asphalt oil as their feedstock. Their permit specifies they should be using a material known as asphalt cement.

I've got lots more information regarding my concerns about the public health threat posed by Watson Asphalt to the people located within about a 1½ mile radius of the asphalt facility. Let me know if you want to hear about it.

David Morton
Redmond resident


Anonymous said...

I cannot walk on the Perrigo Trail if Watson Asphalt Paving is processing the asphalt, I feel the fumes are too toxic and sometimes blow over the trail at the park as I walk. I always turn around and go back to my car. I am glad this is being brought to others attention and hope Watson can find a solution to containing the fumes.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Morton,

Please contact me at I live within a 1.5 mi radius of the asphalt plant and am interested in any additional information you have.


Anonymous said...

We live in Woodbridge community and also noticed the odor in the mornings for years, I've filed the complaint with the City and waiting for their response.