Thursday, October 23, 2014

LWSD Long-Term Facilities Planning Task Force seeks volunteers

Group to study, analyze and make recommendations on facility needs
Redmond, Wash. – Lake Washington School District invites applicants interested in serving on a Long-Term Facilities Planning Task Force. This group will study, analyze and make recommendations concerning the district’s long-term facilities needs. The district seeks 41 parents (one from each neighborhood school plus the three Choice high schools with their own campus), two members of the business community, two senior citizens and four community members at large.
As the fastest-growing district in King County over the last two school years, Lake Washington School District is facing a need for classrooms to house its growing enrollment, which has increased close to 2,000 students over the last three years to 26,708. At the same time, the district has been following a plan to modernize all of its school buildings. However, recent bond measures have failed to garner the required 60% approval. To better understand the larger communities’ priorities and desires regarding school facilities, the district wants to engage the community in a dialogue to further explore the enrollment and capacity issues, potential solutions and alternatives. The Long-Term Facilities Planning Task Force is part of this process.  Read More >>
The task force will begin work in fall 2014 and continue through June 2015. The whole task force will convene between three and five times during the year. A smaller working sub-committee will meet more frequently, five to six additional times. This group will develop proposals and/or recommendations for review by the full task force.
The task force will include staff, students, administrators, parents, senior citizens, community members, business leaders, administrators, staff and students. Interested parents, senior citizens, community members and business leaders are invited to apply to serve on the task force. Applicants can indicate whether they are willing to serve on the task force as a whole only or on the task force and subcommittee.
Task force members will be selected from those who apply based on achieving representation of a wide range of experiences, perspectives and geographic location.
To apply, click on this link or go to the district website at, where a link will be available on the home page. Please submit an application by November 6 in order to be considered.

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