Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Speaker to cover Eastside Aviation History: Air Defense, Airports, and Wishful Thinking

The Seattle area’s “Eastside” is known more for suburbs and traffic jams than airports and air defense, but not too long ago some of those neighborhoods had more planes than homes. Some even had NIKE missiles. Small air parks operated in Bellevue and in Kirkland’s Juanita area as well as in Issaquah and Kent. In the early 1970s, Redmond even contemplated building a commercial airport where today’s Watershed Park lies.

 “If you find Eastside traffic challenging during the daily commute, consider what it could have been like if SeaTac Airport had been built here,” notes Sherry Grindeland, editor of the SnoValley Star newspaper in Snoqualmie and a former Seattle Times and Bellevue American reporter.  She will examine that aviation history on Saturday, February 8th at 10:30am at the Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center in Redmond. She is speaking as part of the Redmond Historical Society Saturday Speaker Series.   Read More >>


“In the last century, airplanes and other uplifting devices have hovered over the local area,” adds Grindeland, who will cover early Eastside birdmen, World War II and Cold War air defense,  wishful thinking by city planners and business people,– and even the local connection to the D.B. Cooper hijacking mystery.


Grindeland has a deep passion for local history and serves on the Eastside Heritage Center board. She enjoys doing oral histories and has written or contributed to several local history books and research papers.


The Saturday Speaker Series is a monthly program presented by the Redmond Historical Society on every second Saturday (with the exception of December) at 10:30am at the Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center, located at 16600 NE 80th Street.  Topics range from local, state and Pacific Northwest historical interest. There is a suggested $5 donation for non-members.


The Redmond Historical Society is a 501 (3)(c) non-profit organization that receives support from the City of Redmond, 4 Culture, Nintendo, the Bellevue Collection, and Humanities Washington as well as from other donors and members.



Sherry Stilin

Redmond Historical Society

Saturday Speaker Series


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