Sunday, December 8, 2013

Broken water pipe leads to injured firefighter

17700 block of NE 90th ST
Just before 3:30 PM yesterday, five firefighters were working on diverting the water leak on the third floor master bedroom of one of the buildings located in “The Heights at Bear Creek” complex. Due to water saturation, the entire plaster board ceiling of the bedroom collapsed onto the crew. When the crew members self-extricated their selves out of the debris, they realized one crew member suffered injuries to his left shoulder and leg. The injured firefighter was evacuated from the structure, then evaluated and treated by Redmond firefighters and paramedics from Redmond’s Medic One. The paramedics transported the injured firefighter to Evergreen Hospital; the firefighter is in stable condition.  Read More >>

Redmond Fire units have been busy responding to several water related calls, throughout the day, due to frozen pipes thawing. Whenever water pipes exist in unheated spaces like attics and crawl spaces, there is always danger of the pipes freezing this time of year. Often frozen pipes go undiscovered until it warms up enough for the ice inside the pipes to melt and reveal the leaks from the ice damaged pipes.
Your firefighters want you to know: You should locate your water shut off valves for appliances, water fixtures and/or your domestic supply to your residence. Be sure other family members know how to do it when you’re away from home. Your firefighters may be delayed due to numerous other similar calls, so the more you can do to stop the flooding, the better off your personal belongings will be.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear the firefighter is okay.

Our family woke up to a frozen water pipe on Saturday morning here on Ed Hill. We currently have our water shut off and are managing as best we can without running water (could be worse--at least we have electric and heat). Once the outside temperature goes above freezing, we'll find out if we have a burst pipe.

I wonder how many other families are dealing with frozen pipes on the Hill.

Stay warm and safe, everyone.


Bob Yoder said...

Cross my fingers, I hope your pipes didn't burst!