Wednesday, December 25, 2013

BMX Bike Park Update

Dear Redmond Bike Park Followers,
As you may remember, both the Site Plan Entitlement and SEPA Decision were appealed in 2011.  The appeal process went through the Hearings Examiner, the Redmond City Council and ended up in King County Superior Court.  Before the court heard the case, the City and the appellants reached a settlement agreement.  The plans and permits that were submitted to the Technical Committee this month address the settlement condition terms.  The final plans are provided on the City website. After January 1, the Planning Department will issue a 21 day public notice and comment period on the project, per the zoning code requirements. 
If there are no comments or changes to the plans, the City would plan to begin trail building workshops and construction in May 2014.  Assuming we have sufficient volunteers and lead trail builders, it is possible that construction could be complete in two to three months.
If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact me.
Happy Holidays,
Carolyn Hope
Park Planning & Cultural Services Manager
City of Redmond, Parks and Recreation Department
15670 NE 85th Street, Redmond, WA 98052

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