Wednesday, November 6, 2013

So what are the proposed LWSD Bond and two replacement levies all about?

These Minutes from an August Lake Washington School District Board meeting explain details of the proposed $755 Bond and two replacement levies.  Confusion over the Bond and  Juanita Pool plans are clarified: 

Resolution No. 2161, Replacement of Existing Educational Programs & Operations Levy, authorizes a four-year levy:

$63.0 million in 2015, $64.9 million in 2016, $66.8 million in 2017, and $68.9 million in 2018. This levy would pay part of the general fund expenses for educational programs and operations.
The estimated tax rates per $1,000 of assessed valuation for 2015, 2016, 2017and 2018 are $1.85, $1.88, $1.90 and $1.92 respectively.

Resolution No. 2162, Replacement of Existing Capital Projects Levies, authorizes a four-year levy: $31.20 million in 20115, $31.5 million in 2016, $32.0 million in 2017, and $32.5 million in 2018. This levy would pay for upgrades and improvements to district buildings, sites, and technology. The estimated tax rates per $1,000 of assessed valuation for 2015, 2016, 2017and 2018 are $.91, $.91, $.91 and $.91 respectively.

Resolution No. 2163, General Obligation Bonds, authorizes the sale of bond totaling $755 million. It authorizes the board to levy additional property taxes annually to repay the bonds. These
funds would be used to "modernize" (tear down and rebuild) Juanita High School; Kirk, Mead and Rockwell elementary schools, and Evergreen and Kamiakin middle schools; acquire land for new buildings; construct and equip three new elementary schools, a middle school, an east-side international- focused Choice school and a west-side STEM-focused Choice school; and construct and equip additions at Lake Washington High School and Eastlake High School.   Read More >>
The overall tax rates per $1,000 of assessed valuation, including these measure and previously approved bond measures is estimated to be $4.73 in 2015, $4.76 in 2016, $4.75 in 2017 and $4.74 in 2018. This compares to the estimated 2014 rate of $3.92 in 2014.

Total monthly tax in 2014 for the average $450,000 home in Redmond is $30/month for all three measures, according to the District.

Dr. Pierce noted that Juanita High School is the only school to operate a pool. WAVE is currently operating the pool.  Previously, the district incurred costs of over $177,000 a year to operate the pool. Last year, 300 of our students participated in programs at the pool. The Lake Washington School District is unique in that the district encompasses three cities – Kirkland, Redmond, and Sammamish. The City of Redmond has a pool and the City of Sammamish is building a pool. The Juanita pool is largely used by Kirkland residents. There is a need for a pool in the Kirkland area and this must be addressed by this community. She noted that the Bond and Levy Committee had concerns setting aside money for a pool over modernizing an elementary school.  Dr. Pierce shared that the board has received many e-mails regarding the Juanita High School pool, many of whom don’t live within our boundaries. It is the desire of the community at large to keep the pool; there are many community members that are not financially impacted by this decision. The pool is funded by taxpayers from across the district. She expressed concern that people have said that they will not support the bond if it doesn’t include the Juanita High School pool which is very worrisome.
If the bond doesn’t pass, Juanita High School, Kamiakin and Evergreen middle schools, and Kirk, Mead, and Rockwell elementary schools would not be modernized, and significant enrollment and overcrowding issues that the district is facing will not be adequately addressed. There will be huge
implications if the bond doesn’t pass. However, if the bond does pass, there are remaining funds from Phase 2 modernization that can be dedicated through board action to support such items as pool and field upgrades. The remaining funds are estimated to be $10-12 million. The amount of funds available will be less if the district needs to use those funds to purchase temporary housing such as portables.

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