Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fredrik is looking for a permanent home


…for the rest of the school year.  He is currently enrolled in a private school in Kirkland.  The family with whom he is staying temporarily would love to host him for the rest of the year, but just cannot.  The host mother says, “Fredrik is a wonderful young man, easy to have around and very open minded.  He appreciates all things American and is happy to be in the USA.  His English is superb.”     Could you or someone you know could host Fredrik?  If yes, please call me (360-275-6701 or 425-444-4950) or email me ( so we can move forward.   Thanks so much!
Fredrik is a 17 year old Male from Norway
Fredrik says, "I look forward to being immersed in another way of life and learning about the world outside of my own backyard. Thank you so much for the opportunity to do that!" Do you love soccer? So does Fredrik! He plays on a team and loves it. He also likes to play golf with his Grandad and he plays soccer with his brother. His family likes to watch him and his brother play in their soccer matches, eat dinner together, travel and ski. Fredrik is also interested in computers, reading, listening to music, video games, and movies. With his friends, they like to hang out at the mall or watch basketball, football, or handball matches. In his spare time he plays the guitar or plays video games with his brother. His teachers describe him as polite and cooperative. His favorite subjects are PE, Math, and Social Studies. Fredrik's chores at home include emptying the dishwasher, cleaning his room, going to the store for his mom, and in the summer washing the car. Since he had a childhood allergy to furred pets, which is much better, he requests a pet-free bedroom. His plans for the future include becoming an Engineer.

For more information about Youth for Understanding (YFU), our 60-year old international high school exchange program,  log onto  Feel free to email  or call  Marcia Hamilton at 360-275-6701, or better yet, fill out the online application at To get started applying, click on host family application. 

Together we can make a world of difference!
Marcia Hamilton
Marcia Hamilton, Student Placement Manager

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