Thursday, January 10, 2013

Citizen submits 70 signatures to Mayor Marchione requesting safer crosswalks in Grasslawn Park

At this week's Council meeting a Grasslawn resident, Carl, asked the Marchione Administration for additional traffic safety on the Grasslawn Park crosswalks adjacent NE 70th.  He recommended, flags, additional lighting and blinking lights at the crosswalk similar to what the City of Kirkland installed a mile west.  Carl said he almost lost his grandson on December 14 at the NE 70th Street crosswalk at Grasslawn Park.  He submitted 70 signatures from residents to the Mayor asking for improved safety measures. 

Reported by Bob Yoder

1 comment:

Jaime said...

Good for him!! That crosswalk is terrifically dangerous. As are the crosswalks just a little further down Old Red Road- the ones dark crosswalks used by students going to their bus stops and school. I worry that it will take a casualty for the City to wake up to it all. Our sleepy streets are not so sleepy and it's becoming increasingly dangerous to be a child on foot around here.