Sunday, December 23, 2012

SCORP now to improve your GORP later

SCORP now to improve your GORP later

You remember GORP, right? “Good ol’ raisins and peanuts” a.k.a. trail mix. Maybe you take it with you when you hike or bike? Well, one way to make sure those special hiking and biking spots are taken care of is to participate in SCORP.
SCORP, the catchier version of “State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan”, is the strategic plan that guides Washington State’s investments in outdoor recreation. By identifying our state’s recreation needs, trends and opportunities, the SCORP, which is updated every five years, helps set priorities about the types of projects that receive funding from the federal government’s Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and from state-level grant programs.

King County Parks uses these state and federal dollars to match our local funds, like from our Open Space and Trails Levy, stretching King County taxpayers’ dollars to do things like purchase new natural area parks, build trails and trailheads, and improve ballfields.
Every state that wants to be eligible for LWCF grants must create and update a SCORP. Washington State’s next update is due in June 2013, and they are using an online town hall forum to ask for input. Every couple of weeks, they pose a different outdoor recreation-themed question. This round’s is on visiting wetlands.

Love your parks? Have your voice heard! Visit the SCORP town hall website and submit your comments today.

The most recent SCORP showed that hiking/walking and team/individual sports were the top two outdoor recreation activities in the state and that bicycle riding jumped from 8th to 5th place. Does that sound about right for your activities?

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