Monday, December 3, 2012

Water Tenders Exhibit at REI store

Key Club members help Water Tenders restore riparian
habitat on a Bear Creek tributary.  My daughter Lexie recruited
these volunteers.  She's on the Water Tenders Board.
This Sunday, December 9from 11:30 am to 3:30 pm, Water Tenders will be advertising our organization at the Redmond Town Center REI store. We will have a table with displays set up by the climbing rock at the front door. Please  attend and encourage any friends and acquaintances to come down and see us. This event is partly a recruitment tool and also to inform the public about what we do and the importance of maintaining a healthy watershed.

Also, has anyone observed any Kokanee salmon in our streams this season?  If so, please contact Jennifer at King County. It is important that they get this information. She can be reached at: 

Water Tenders is a group of people who care about the wetlands and streams in the Bear Creek watershed of King County, Washington. We are your neighbors and we are all willing to put a little of our time into preserving, protecting, and restoring the wonderful natural heritage we are priviledge to steward. Water Tenders has been in existence since 1989 and is proud of the many accomplishments of the volunteers.

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