Friday, September 7, 2012

Thai family in Redmond hunts crayfish

Hi All,

On a Saturday afternoon in August, I spotted a Thai family hunting
for crayfish down below the promontory in front of the Opportunity Building on the Sammamish River.  Yes, Redmond!

In the first photo, you can see the mother bent over, searching for crayfish under the rocks.  In the second photo, a young boy holds up a small "signal crayfish" that his mother caught with her bare hands. 

They had caught 10 or 11 crayfish at the time I took these photos.
In addition there were two asian clams in their bucket.  These clams are eaten in SE Asian where they originate. 

I asked the mother if she boils the crayfish.  She said no, she fries them. 

Photos and Report by John  Reinke

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My friend and I used to catch crawdads in a little creek up on Union Hill, back in the 70's. Don't remember if we ate them, maybe it was more for the fun of it.