Monday, July 23, 2012

Still plenty of time to register to vote -- college & HS grads, too

OPINON:  Voter registration for this Primary election is still underway!   If you have a summer college student, at-home high school grad or 18-year old living with you there's still time for them to register for this election and others to follow. 

18-year olds (and up) still have a full week to register for this Election.  Use this week as a golden opportunity to teach your kids  how our democracy works and engage themselves "hands-on."   Simply go to the "Voters Registration Annex, King County Administration Building,  500-4th Ave. Room 311.  Seattle, WA.  98104.   The annex is open till Monday, July 30 for Primary and General Election registration!   Hours are M-F, 8:30am-1pm and 2pm to 4:30pm.  The Deadline to register to vote in the General Election by online or mail is October 8

If you miss these golden election registration opportunities, 18-year old's and up can register to vote anytime for any election at  

You may have a recent Lake Washington School District graduate who wants to support their schools by being a PTSA Community Friend and vote in the district levies. A LWSD levy is on the planning boards for 2013-14. Of course, the exciting Presidential election is this year. 

Ballot Drop Boxes are available at Redmond City Hall and Crossroads Shopping Center, South entrance.  Drive through, No stamps, no weather, shorter lines.  Ballot Drop Boxes for the Primary election close on Election Day, August 7, 8 pm.  The General Election Day is November 6. 

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