Sunday, June 10, 2012

Senior Home Care business on Ed Hill is remodeled and taking new clients

This senior care home near RJH is remodeled and open for business
Education Hill neighbors traveling NE 100th Street last week may have seen a burst of activity as Choice Care completed  their "Redmond's Own Adult Family Home"  renovation.  Construction contractor Christrian Porta of Choice Care raised the American flag as he declared the home "open for business."   It's right across from the Redmond Presbyterian Church gateway sign on NE 166th Ave.

The home is owned and operated by Dave Saint (CNA) a 30-year Redmond resident living on Union Hill.   Dave's sister is a nurse and brother-in-law an oncologist at Overlake. 

Christian looks toward the living area w/ flat panel, dining area and new outdoor patio.
The licences hanging near the kitchen pantry area show the business has been running since 2007.  The same rules apply and same clients are welcome, as before.  The only difference?  Choice is partnered to renovate and re-brand the business into a quality home for:   private-paying seniors 62+  needing Assisted Living and Medicare patients who have been hospitalized. 

Christian says, "the daily cost for home care (not counting meds.) is $150/day vs. $300/day in an institutional nursing home.  Smaller senior homes are more accountable and personal."   Award-winning Seattle Times coverage of nursing homes addressed terrible abuses by institutional providers.  Residential senior homes like this offer the neighborhood ambiance of a lawn mow, passing school children and ping of a bat. 

If you have a neighbor or know a family that needs the support from this senior home, Christian recommended you call him directly at  206-551-5450.  He lives in a family of nurses and knows every nook and cranny of the business.  Or, call Simona Saint at 206-250-1100.  Better yet?  just knock on their door.

Report and photos by Yoder


Unknown said...

I think this new facility looks wonderful! My mom is getting older and we are trying to figure out what we should do. I think having her live some place like this would be perfect. I'll have to look more into this and see what she thinks!

Bob Yoder said...

This house is currently on the market for sale. I guess they are going out of business