Thursday, June 21, 2012

Redmond Councilmember Tom Flynn has busy month serving residents as "Ombudsman"

Councilmember Tom Flynn
The newest member of the City of Redmond's city council is Tom Flynn.  So far he's had a busy June as "Ombudsman of the Month,"   Ombudsman Tom fielded questions from from six different residents who needed help with an issue that the city couldn't solve.  Redmond city Ombudsman can be reached at:

Tom's first service to the public was a response to a citizen concerned about a hazardous tree near NE 104th Street.  He asked staff to evaluate the tree and said a contractor will remove it. 

Another citizen reported a herbicide puddle on West Sammamish River Trail. The trail section is maintained by King County.  Tom reported that proper authorities were notified and actions taken.

One resident contacted about numerous vehicles parked on the street and in a driveway that were obstructing views while backing out.  Tom contacted the Code Enforcement Officer to look into the matter.  Tom said the Code Enforcement Officer can take on neighborhood issues (like trees and street parking and signage) outside of the Police Department's responsibility.  Carl McCarthy is one of Redmond's Code Enforcement Officers and can be reached at

Someone complained about unwanted phone books at the doorstep.  Tom tried out a DEX STOP delivery email address that worked for him and Councilember Stilin

Some called in about the Tree Sock Art "Artificial Light" display in Anderson Park.  Tom said it was scheduled to end June 3 but the artist Susanne Tidwell is busy with another installation (RTC?) and many emails have been positive so the exhibit will be extended to August 12.  Tom said a Theatre Festival is planned in Anderson Park from August 10-12.

By Bob Yoder
Photo Redmond Town Center Facebook Page
Tom's photo, King County Elections 

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