Thursday, May 3, 2012

Support the Redmond Bike Park

The Appellants lost and filed with King County Superior Court and it's not likely the case will be resolved until 2013.   Thanks to Doug Schmidt for this information, Steering Committee co-Chair, works at Performance Bikes in Bellevue.

Families, BMX kids and neighbors clear weeds from the Neighborhood Bike Park project area, 2010

Support for Redmond Bike Park - attend council meeting

Dear Neighbors on Education Hill,
We are writing because of some overstated comments to the proposal for the Redmond Bike Park.  The site is not six times larger than present, as stated in the Redmond Reporter editorial last week.  This 2.51 acre site has an area approximately 0.7 acres on the west edge that has been used by cyclists since 1990.  According to the proposed 2.51 acre project by the Redmond Parks and Recreation Department, the affected area would be 0.7 acres.  

Another incorrect editorial comment said that the City would remove “hundreds of trees”, yet according to the project plans, more than 80% of the site’s significant trees will be retained.  The entire project has been designed in keeping with the landscape and concern for the Redmond community and the neighborhood of Education Hill.  Read More >>
As a neighborhood family that has been involved with this project since the beginning, we applaud the Redmond Parks and Recreation department for listening to all sides. In the initial stages of this project in 2009, the City took the time to listen to families and kids of all ages in order to give users stewardship of this site, so that it would continue to serve the Education Hill neighborhood that generated the demand for this use. A land use attorney, after a THOROUGH public hearing process, determined in favor of the park and we would encourage those interested to read the hearing examiner’s findings.  We are in favor of supporting the City’s overall plan for “a parks system that provides a variety of active and passive recreational opportunities”. On May 8th, ~8 p.m at City Hall, the City Council will address this issue, please show your support for the bike park by attending this meeting.

--Jerry Smith, Kim Cashon-Smith


Anonymous said...

I would support it, but I've seen the bike park plans and they are way overboard for the area.

I lived on Education Hill for 12 years about 1/4 mile away from the bike park. In it's state at the time I last saw it a year ago it was plenty for the area. A little nicer or bigger I can see, but the current plans are too much to be in this quiet neighborhood and peaceful wooded area.

I am certain that if those pushing the current plans were willing to compromise an agreement with those fighting against the current plans would be made. So to say that those fighting it are totally against having a place to ride is not the truth.

If something this size is really needed, then it needs to be in a location better suited to the traffic, noise and parking it's going to require. The current site is not capable of handling a bike park of this size.

Also, I suggest those interested in learning more about what is actually happening to go to this site and see that indeed it is much larger and they are removing many trees. The document "Final Plans - Part 3 - Civil Plans" clearly shows the expanded size of the jumps and trails that are in the park, along with around 30 trees being removed as part of the plan.

Bob Yoder said...

The two Redmond Bike Park project appeals took the whole night for Council. It was the only item on their business agenda!

Council denied the appellants, 7-0 with a strong opening from Kim Allen, a Hearing Examiner in her own right. Her wheels were turning during the wetland buffer piece.

Hank Margeson gave an excellent summary of the decision for the lay public. Tom Flynn had some concerns about the parking but in the end conceded to "national parking standards" as did all else.

My blog got it's first mention by council in public from Hank Myers. HOORAY! There's hope.

Doug Schmidt reassured me after the meeting that thugs from other cities drawn to the Skate Bike Park won't ruin the sport or neighborhoods. He said one in 25 may visit.

I still have concerns about parking; maybe some day the City will charge a fee to park and a gate pass. Itt sure will be fun to walk up the hill for some cheap entertainment. Can't wait!!

But, we have to pass the final hurdle at Superior Court. That's okay, it's worth the wait!

Councilmember Kim Allen said...

Kim Allen wrote in response to my question..
Hi Bob,

An appeal in this case was filed today in Superior Court. I do not have the details but I would not hear the matter in any event as it has been assigned to a judge upon filing today and I won't take the bench until January 1, 2013 if I am elected on 8/7/2012. I would recuse myself if such a matter came before me as I was one of the decision makers being appealed.

Best Regards,

Kimberly Allen
Redmond City Council