Friday, February 3, 2012

"Pump House", by Sigmunde Potgieter

a Maple falls for Sigmunde's Pump House
Sigmunde Potgieter lives on Northeast Education Hill on a parcel filled with trees, deer, bobcat and critters.  She loves to photograph nature and took this picture during our January storm.  

1 comment:

Bob Yoder said...

Sigmunde gave me permission to blog her Facebook photo. Several years ago a developer removed 17 acres of trees to build a residential development. I visited the site prior to the clear-cut and met Sigmunde and her husband there. She showed me her photos of the forest, mourning it's imminent loss. A moderate buffer separates her backyard from the development. I wrote a post including a photo of a very large bobcat on her property,titled "Redmond's last remaining forest?" (Not quite!) 27 acres are approved to be clear-cut 100% at Overlake Group Health Village. Acres at Shahaunesy are schedule for 65% removal.