Thursday, December 8, 2011

School Board could look at other Superintendent candidates

Lake Washington School Board could still take a look at other Superintendent candidates after their preferred candidate, Traci Pierce, is introduced  to the community and the board gets feedback. 

I asked if the Board's preference for Traci Pierce as Superintendent still leaves open the possibility of their voting for an external candidate or a different internal candidate?

Kathryn Reith, Director of Communications responded:  
"The board did not hire Traci. It stated that she is their preferred candidate. She will go through a process of being introduced to the community (meet and greets) and the board will solicit feedback. The board could after that feedback decide not to hire Traci. If that is their decision, they could indeed look at other internal candidates or external candidates." 12/6
Superintendent Chip Kimball wrote on December 6:  "The Board is intending to start their "meet and greets" in January."   President Jackie Pendergrass said in their December 5 public meeting the "meet and greets" would start towards the end of January. 

Reported By Bob Yoder

Comment:  Do you have a preferred candidate?  If you want to introduce or nominate your preferred candidate, tell a friend, write a Letter to 'RNB' at, or post a comment below this page.  The Board's email is   B.Y.

1 comment:

Bob Yoder said...

My preference is for Jane Todd because she's a Leader first and experienced Administrator with a realistic vision second.

Jane is NOT a bureaucrat. She's a "field leader," with hands-on community experience as Redmond High's current principal and admired past-principal of Juanita High.

Is there anyone else you can think of that you'd prefer?