Monday, August 15, 2011

LETTER: Regional Transit Task Force member acknowledges Councilmembers Hague and Lambert

LETTER:  As a member of the Regional Transit Task Force (RTTF) I want to acknowledge the leadership of King County Councilmembers Jane Hague and Kathy Lambert on the Congestion Reduction Charge (CRC). To paraphrase the Councilmembers, they didn’t change their mind, they changed the proposal, and they did so in a way that serves their constituents and all the citizens of King County extraordinarily well.
The changes are substantive.
  • Accelerating the phase out of the free ride area and implementation of alternative service delivery models honor the recommendations of the Metro audit and RTTF, respectively.
  • Complimentary bus tickets for individuals paying the CRC, paired with a ticket donation program, ensure that everyone who pays the CRC will see direct benefit and provides a path for increasing social equity.
  • Factoring tolling into service allocation decisions directly addresses the RTTF emphasis on productivity and geographic value.
Each of the changes negotiated by Councilmembers Hague and Lambert move us toward a more vital and sustainable King County Metro - one that better serves the needs of citizens in their districts and throughout the county. In crafting a CRC that includes these provisions the Councilmembers are keeping both our county’s people and its economy moving.
  -Josh Kavanagh 

King County formed the Regional Transit Task Force in March 2010 to consider a policy framework to guide service investments or—if necessary—contraction of the King County Metro Transit system.

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