Saturday, August 13, 2011

City celebrates $107,755 renovation of historic Anderson Park shelter - Rotary Club hosts event

from the desk of Pam Mauk, Executive Director, Together Center... 
Anderson Park shelter is located in Redmond's first park
Rotary Club of Redmond hosts Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to celebrate renovation of historic Anderson Park
Rotary Club of Redmond, a key partner in the renovation of a 1938 Anderson Park shelter, will host a ribbon cutting to celebrate the completion of the renovation on Thursday, August 25, at 1 pm. The newly-renovated park shelter is located in the north-east corner of Anderson Park in the heart of Redmond at 7802 168th Ave NE.
All are welcome to join the club for the ribbon cutting and cake. The gathering will last about a half hour.
The Anderson Park shelter is one of the city’s most popular shelters and is often reserved for family barbecues or birthday parties. The Rotary committee chose to participate in this project because of the historical significance it has in Redmond and the shelter acts as a gathering place for individuals in the community.  Read More >>
The Rotary Club will have its regular meeting from noon to 1 pm at the park in advance of the ribbon cutting. Club President Steve Bozick said, “This event might be a particularly fun way for those with an interest in Redmond Rotary to visit with our club before the ribbon cutting event.”
Anyone interested in participating in this or another Rotary meeting is welcome. Contact Erica Erdozain at  for information on ordering a box lunch for this meeting at the park.
The picnic shelter and two other log buildings were built in 1938 at Anderson Park, the city's oldest, under the Federal Works Progress Administration. The $107,755 project renovated the entire picnic structure and included the replacement of rotted timbers and roofing and a refurbishment of a stone chimney structure.
The Rotary Club of Redmond contributed $15,000 towards the refurbishment, and the City of Redmond received a heritage grant for $20,000. The remaining funds came from the City’s park operation budget.
Rotary Club of Redmond is hosting the ceremony. The two Rotary clubs in Redmond are nonprofit service organizations and a members of Rotary International. Rotary International is an organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide who provide humanitarian service and help to build goodwill and peace in the world. There are approximately 1.2 million Rotarians who are members of more than 31,000 Rotary clubs in more than 165 countries.   Rotary Club of Redmond Rousers is the other Rotary Club in Redmond.

More information on the history of Anderson Park is found at:  
Together Center Press Release
Photo courtesy of  Together Center

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