Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Redmond Police Issue More Than 1,500 Citations In First Two Weeks of Camera Enforcement Period - Redmond, WA Patch

Redmond Police Issue More Than 1,500 Citations In First Two Weeks of Camera Enforcement Period - Redmond, WA Patch:  by Caitlin Moran, "RedmondPatch"

Officials stressed that officer discretion is always used when deciding whether or not to issue a ticket.
Richard Cole, Hank Margeson and John Stilin observe a video demonstration of the city's red light cameras at a meeting on Tuesday. Photo Credit Caitlin Moran
"The number of camera-enforced citations issued so far this month is on pace to exceed the 1,900 warnings that were issued during a one-month warning period earlier this year, Redmond Police Chief Ron Gibson told the City Council's public safety committee at a meeting Tuesday afternoon.

The Redmond Police Department issued a combined 1,586 citations between March 3 and 16 at the three intersections with red light cameras and one school zone with a speed camera.

Gibson said he believes the number of violations confirms earlier traffic studies that identified the intersections as problem areas.

'I think that bears out the fact that the studies show there's a high number of violations at these intersections,' he said."   Read More...

By Caitlin Moran, Editor of RedmondPatch
About Caitlin
RedmondPatch, 3/23

Comment from the RNB Editor:   As of 3/19 a  petition is circulating to ban the Redmond red light pilot program.


Anonymous said...

Let's be logical here. If they've got all these infractions (1500!) and haven't had any accidents, then maybe the way people drive isn't dangerous and the cameras are pointless, except to generate revenue for the camera company and the city.

Anonymous said...

Traffic safety laws are not optional. They exist to protect the health and safety of all of us and keep our roads safe for drivers, passengers, pedestrians and others. Cities should be taking advantage of red-light cameras and every other technology available to ensure these laws are followed and enforced.