Friday, January 14, 2011

Training and Workshops for children with disabilities, by LWSD PTSA

from the desk of Julie Shalaby, LWSD PTSA Special Needs Group Chairperson

Here is some great info for you!

Trainings and Workshops

o LWSD Parent Training PAC is presenting "IEP 101" (Individualized Education Program)
o Special Education Conference-SEATTLE

o Washington Branch of the International Dyslexia Association (WABIDA)
Monthly Meetings

o Opportunities for Kids and Families
o Stanwood Therapeutic Riding
o WA State Hands &
oVoices *Family Play Day *

· Support Groups

o MOCHA - Seattle ( Mothers of Children with Autism)
*Trainings and Workshops*

LWSD Parent Training PAC is presenting "IEP 101" (individualized education program)

The LWSD Parent Training PAC is presenting "IEP 101" for those new to the Special Education process, or for those parents who would like a review of the basics. Read all about these programs!  Read more >>


The class will be 6:30 -8:30 PM Thursday, January 27, at the LWSD Resource Center in the Morton-Johnson room. Please email Betty Tiberio at if you have any specific questions you would like to cover. There will be other classes later in the year that will go more in depth into specific areas of the IEP. This class is for educational purposes only and is not legal advice.

Northwest CHADD ( ) in partnership with KidREACH, Bellevue, offers a two-part free training program for parents and school staff to learn special education law. Pre-registration is required and is limited to only 35 participants. Participants must register for both sessions. Please bring your own lunch. Beverages provided.  Behavioral disorder:  ADHD & ADD.
Saturday, March 12th- 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Special Education and the Law
Saturday, March 19th - 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The IEP
Presenters - Pat Steinburg and others, WEA Special Education Cadre
Location TBA - Bellevue
Clock hours for teachers, school nurses, school staff available through WEA.

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED IN ADVANCE. This interactive training program will give you a chance to ask your questions about your special education situation. Priority registration is given to members of

CHADD-Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and to participants in KidREACH

For more information and to register, e-mail Barbara Bennett, M.A., at Please include your phone number to complete your registration request. KidREACH participants please register with

Special Education Conference-SEATTLE
Improving Services and Results for Students with Disabilities
March 9-11, 2011

(Wednesday, Thursday & Friday)

You may now register on-line for the 2011 Special Education Conference. Classroom seating is limited so register early. There will be 5, full-day courses to choose from, each day of the conference. Let me know if you would like a paper copy of the program for your school/program. The course titles and faculty are listed below. Please share this information with your colleagues. Here is the link for more information:

Washington Branch of the International Dyslexia Association (WABIDA) Monthly Meetings
January 13, 20117:00 - 8:30 pm @ Hamlin Robinson School
1700 East Union Street, Capitol Hill, Seattle

Enter the building in the back, off the blacktop. Watch for signs. In case of adverse weather, please check the HRS homepage If the school is closed, this lecture will be rescheduled. The Writing ProcessKendra Wagner, M.A.Ms. Wagner will share very specific strategies for teaching writing to people with dyslexia, ADD kids or anyone who struggles, even yourself! She will break down the process into micorscopic steps with tips for every kind of learner.
Mark Your Calendars for Future Lectures sponsored by the Washington Branch of the International Dyslexia Association (WABIDA)All lectures will be held at Hamlin Robinson School

1700 East Union Street, Capitol Hill, Seattle the HRS homepage. 7 - 8:30pm

February 17 Technology Tools for People with DyslexiaCindy Dupuy, PhD
March 19, 2011 (exception: this is Saturday!!)

The ABCs of Assessment A Conference for Educators and Parents
Presenters: Elizabeth Smith, PhD, Linda Azure, MS, CCC-SLP

The presentations will cover the purpose of diagnostic testing, deciphering and understanding results, clarifying commonly used terms, fundamentals of language development, 'red flags' for language and auditory processing.

8:30 - 12:00 Focused on the needs of Educators
12:30 - 3:00 Focused on the needs of Parents & Families
Participants are welcome to register for both sessions if they like. Registration information will be available mid-January at

April 14
The Dyslexic Advantage: Unlocking the Hidden Potential of the Dyslexic Brain
Drs. Fernette and Brock EideMay 12TBA
*Opportunities for Kids and Families*
Stanwood Therapeutic Riding

Stanwood Therapeutic Riding exists to provide persons with all types of special needs the opportunity to interact with horses safely in both mounted and unmounted lessons in order to optimize their individual abilities and enhance their quality of life.

We offer group and private therapeutic riding lessons. Please contact us at (360) 348-7425 for information about scheduling and costs.

We have partnered with DSHS (Department of Social and Health Services) and DDD (Department of Developmental Disabilities) to provide services for those with less discretionary income. Please contact us for more information.
WA State Hands & Voices *Family Play Day *
Saturday, January 22, 2011
12-2 pm
Northwest School for Hearing-Impaired Children.  15303 Westminster Way N, Shoreline, WA 98133

This event is open to all families and all communication modalities.  Spanish interpreting is available. There will be activities for children all ages, resources as well as opportunities for parents and caregivers to connect with one another Pizza and drinks will be available with a donation to WA State Hands &

To RSVP or for questions please contact Barbara Luetke

(206) 364-4605 or  * WA State Hands & Voices is a part of the national Hands & Voices organization dedicated to supporting families with children who are deaf,
hard of hearing, or deaf-blind, without a bias towards communication modes.

It is a parent-driven, non-profit organization, providing families with resources, networks, and information needed to improve communication and educational outcomes for their children.  Visit for more information


REHEARSING SOCIAL SKILLS THROUGH ACTING AND IMPROV - THURSDAYS 4:15-5:45 PM, Feb 3 – April 14 for ten sessions (skipping 2/24).

Theater of Possibility (“TOP”) is an acting class for young people, grades 4-8, who have a lot to express and who want to be more effective in their relationships with peers and adults. It is geared toward a diverse, integrated population, including typically developing kids and those with Asperger’s, ADHD and other social skills challenges. We promote an atmosphere of tolerance and respect for each person’s unique, creative gifts. Through fun and zany theater games, improv exercises and role-playing, we explore the dynamics of friendship, family and school. We practice flexibility, non-verbal communication, recognizing social nuances, and perspective taking, all the while having fun and expressing our authentic selves loudly and creatively. Participants work together to fashion original dramatic scenes on issues that are relevant to them, such as responses to bullying, exclusion, peer pressure and injustice.

TOP is facilitated by Lauren Goldman Marshall, MFA, theater teaching artist and playwright, with adult aides. A small group size (6-10 kids) ensures a high adult/student ratio. Class is taught at University Heights Center in Seattle. Thursdays 2/3-4/14 (Skipping 2/24) 4:15-5:45 PM (last class goes till 7:45 PM for sharing with family and friends); $350/quarter, payment plans and partial scholarships available. Contact Lauren at (206) 321-4923 or email for more information and enrollment.

“Theater of Possibility provides a powerful tool for understanding and practicing the complex social interactions teens confront every day. Using theater games and forum theater techniques, my daughter was able to actually see and experience choices for turning a potentially hurtful social interaction into a beneficial one. Theater of Possibility is, as they say, a rehearsal for living.”-Ann Morrow, mother of a 13 year old TOP actor

*Support Group*

MOCHA - Seattle ( Mothers of CHildren with Autism)
Meeting Announcement Visit us at:
January 2011: Date and Time (Please note date change): (This) Saturday, Januray 15, 2011 from 10:30am to 12:30pm.Place: UVillage area Tully’s, 3042A 45th Street, Seattle, WA 98105, 206-525-5110. On the south side of UVillage right behind the Burgermaster and shares a parking lot with FedEx Kinko's. Come join us!

Meeting topic: Happy New Year! What are the 2 best things you did to help your child in 2010? What were the 2 best gains, and what are 2 interventions you plan for 2011? Come with your ideas and comments on the topic and we'll share information. Let's work together to make 2011 a successful year for our kids and families! For directions and map:
f=s&utm_campaign=en&utm_source=en-ha-na-us-bk-gm&utm_medium=ha&utm_term=google%20maps For those with special diets Tully’s offers different milk options: cow, soy and rice.

No RSVP needed, but always appreciated.

Contact: Janelle Hall, 206-371-5128, OR Sarah Richards, 425-260-1190,

You are invited to a meeting of MOCHA (Mothers of Children with Autism). MOCHA-Seattle. We meet in various locations around Greater Seattle and Eastside (depending on the month) usually on the fourth Saturday of each month, usually from 10:30am to 12:30pm (or so). All parents (and family members) of children on the spectrum or with related developmental issues are welcome. Childcare is not available.

MOCHA is a great group, oriented toward upbeat talk about our lives, our kids, and how to help our children develop and heal. We provide support and exchange information. Membership is free, just come! We discuss whatever the members are interested in discussing at any given meeting. Many in the group do successful biomedical interventions to advance/recover their children. Biomedical intervention is not a requirement, but open discussions and sharing of resources for those who would like to learn more, occurs regularly. Come join us at a meeting to learn more!

If you are interested in receiving future meeting announcements, go to yahoogroups and subscribe to MOCHA-Seattle, our announcement list. (The only messages from MOCHA-Seattle you will receive are meeting announcements and reminders for MOCHA Seattle–it is not a discussion list.) If you have difficulty subscribing, email Janelle@tallcedars@comcast. net.   To remove yourself from the list, simply go to your own group page at and delete your membership.

This information is provided as a courtesy. No endorsements of any kind are implied. Participants have the responsibility for inquiring about and paying for any costs that may be incurred and for verifying the information (dates, location, costs, times etc.) that have been presented here, as well as for verifying their own registration for the activity.

1 comment:

Luqman Michel said...

Hi Bob,
I wish you luck in seeking employment.
I teach dyslexic children 3 languages and have found
that what is written on dyslexia by many 'experts' is just
copied from previous 'experts'.

I do not agree with "phonological awareness deficit" being
the cause of dyslexic children not being able to read.
Please read my article below and see if you'd like to put it in your blog
and get opinions from others. You will see the article here:

Thank you and kind regards,
Luqman Michel

Visit my blog at: