Sunday, January 9, 2011

PTSA News and Parent Education

from the desk of Joanne Hall.... Council PTSA Chair of Parent Education

NOMINATIONS FOR PTSA AWARDS. Each year the LWPTSA Council highlights eight very special awards given to individuals who continually contribute their time toward our schools, PTSAs and the Lake Washington School District. The PTSA Council wants your nominations of people who are actively involved in the community, contributing beyond the borders of a local school. Awards are: Community Service, Outstanding Service, Outstanding Advocate, Certificate of Special Service, Outstanding Educator, Golden Acorn, Honorary Life Membership, and Community Outreach. Nominations are due by January 14th. For more information on awards, nomination forms, and submission instructions, please see the PTSA Council's Awards page.

GREAT CONVERSATIONS BETWEEN PARENTS & TEENS. One of the greatest balancing acts parents face in today's world is knowing when to step forward to help and guide their teens' lives and when to let their teens make independent decisions and choices for themselves. How do families work together in a partnership of trust and respect as children and parents encounter new experiences? In this presentation, you will learn: How to distinguish between hype, myth and facts around potentially risky choices? What are the right questions to ask? What information do your students need? Presenter: Julie Metzger, RN on Monday, January 24th from 7 - 9 PM at the RHS PAC. Sponsored by the Lake Washington PTSA Council. Questions? Contact Joanne Hall, Chair, Parent Education.  Read More >>

WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? Most family squabbles are related to how our brains are wired. Just as there's a dominant hand to write with, we also have a preferred thinking style. Opposites attract. Later, the very qualities that were so appealing become sources of irritation and arguments-especially about parenting. In this presentation, Susie Weller will review new brain research to help you identify your typical brain style (and your family members') as well as your back- up mode under stress. Learn how to speak in ways others understand at home and at work. This presentation is meant for parents with children of all ages to help improve family communications. It will be held on February 4th from 10:00-Noon at the LWSD Resource Center. Sponsored by the Lake Washington PTSA Council. Questions? Contact Joanne Hall, Chair, Parent Education.

EVERYTHING PARTY! Buying supplies for upcoming parties? If you shop at Everything Party in Redmond, please mention to the cashier before (s)he starts to ring up your purchase that you are with Redmond High School and Everything Party will donate 10% of your purchase price to the PTSA Baccalaureate fund. What an easy way to help us raise money and to support this event which is funded entirely by donations. If you would like to directly contribute to Baccalaureate, please contact Gayle Di Iorio.

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