Friday, September 17, 2010

Rain Didn't Blurr "The Redmond Central Connector" Visioning Event

This citizen is totally engaged in her Catbird Seat during her "visioning" interview.   I wonder what she is saying?  
Despite rain, the turnout for the Redmnd Central Connector "Visioning Event" on September 15 was  pretty good.   People clung to their positions under the tents while city planners and consultants answered questions.  The event was held on a large green space separate from the Connector, but close-by.  It was interactive.  People got to leave comments, sketches, and drawings on the exhibit "white board" table paper.  The sandwiches were good.

Lots of questions were answered.   Some were not.  Bev, a Redmond Arts Commissioner has an interest in bringing "green" and "interactivity" into the Art in the Connector (a linear park).  A city arts consultant suggested using art themes to connect the entire linear park.  Another consultant pointed out the nearby "Heron Rookery" as a unique Gateway feature next to the Connector.

One citizen had concerns of the "Wall" effect from the large, boxed apartment buildings.  A Berger consultant agreed that the Connector appears to have it's back to the apartments.  Discussion ensued with an agreement that future buildings near the Connector should blend and flow like a river rather than look as a ditch.

The City Council had a study session on the Central Connector the night before, but many still showed up.  Hank Margeson, Hank Myers, Pat Vache' and Mayor Marchione were all available.

Reported By Bob Yoder
Photo by Yoder

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