Sunday, September 26, 2010

80 Rose Hill area parents and youth turn out for the Hartman weed-pull!

See the long, brown, linear band of dirt where the weeds were pulled?
Correction:  I've been advised a large group of workers at this event was not reported.  My apologies. Laura Svancarek informs me she set up extra credit for Ms. Marsh's Honors Bio-Chem classes at Redmond High and they accounted for the large influx of youth volunteers.  Laura is a Land Steward and reports she and another Hartman Land Steward, Alvin Loong ran the event.   Laura and Alvin are Juniors at Redmond High.  Laura reports, "We walked among the volunteers and helped them with individual questions regarding plant identification and what they should be doing, and were continually finding new places for the volunteers to work as they removed the blackberries from each area."  Thank you, Laura.  10/05/2010    

Saturday was a beautiful day to work in the forest!  A large group of volunteers from the Rose Hill area spent 3+ hours on Saturday pulling weeds in the Hartman Greenbelt on 176th Ave. NE.   The neighbors across the street were obviously smiling.  Some may have pitched in.      
The turn-out was huge.  Over 80 volunteers showed up for this Cascade Conservancy "GreenRedmond" event.  Many were from Kirkland.   Students from Rose Hill J.H.were out in force, earning school credit for their work.  But, perhaps the largest contingent of  "urban foresters" were scouts from two Kirkland LDS wards.  Jim Balkman greeted the workers while Jeff Burnham, President of the Kirkland LDS Stake (six wards) pitched in - literally!   Some weed piles were almost five feet tall. 
A hard-working maintenance supervisor from the City of Redmond appeared to be running the whole show.  The Land Steward couldn't make it that day, and Councilmember Myers infamous bicycle and clippers were not to be seen.   But, the volunteers did just fine!  
Report and Photo by Yoder

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