Monday, March 1, 2010

Redmond Small Business Meetup

One of the missions of my new digital media site is to be a catalyst for small and micro business development. I learned from Laura English (one of my FaceBook friends), that she was going to this Redmond Small Business Meetup.  Hmmm.  So, I went with Pam today.  We were taken by the vibrancy and supportive energy of this group. Stacia Loo, from "Every Swipe Counts" leads the meeting. Today was their largest turnout -at 20.

Having lived in Redmond for over 30 years, it was rewarding to meet-up with some old aquaintances: Len McAdams from McAdams Builders - Len braced my crawl space for earthquake mitigation about 20 years ago. Joe Townsend of Photo Resoration & Retouch - Joe was at the last Redmond Historial Society picnic and helps them out. Laura English is a school neighbor and "Life Coach". She has her own "Moonshine & Happiness" blog:  Bloggers will be "contributors" on my new site.

By Bob Yoder
Photo by Yoder

Stacia Loo, Founder and Moderator. 

"At our get together on Mondays at 10 a.m., business owners get a chance to do a one minute commercial about their business. We also state what we need help with for the week to come. Weekly attendance is not mandatory but encouraged to help build strong business relationships. We meet weekly at Pandora in Bear Creek Shopping Center.

Cherie Seymore and Stacia Loo (right).  AN AMAZING EVENT TOOK PLACE AT THIS MEET-UP.  Come back soon to find out!!!

We also have time for testimonials and announcements. We are here to help each other succeed. If you are looking to start your business, come and join our group to get ideas on how to market your business." website, contact info, and testimonials

By Stacia Loo
Founder of Redmond Small Business Meetup
Consultant:  "Every Swipe Counts"

Do any of you go to a social or business network?  Will you try one?


Len McAdams said...

Hey Bob,

What a surprise to see you again at the Redmond Small Business Meet Up! I'll be watching and rooting for the growth of your Redmond Neighborhood Blog.

Julie said...

Thanks for the information. I'll be sure to stop by next week.