A world without newspapers: "David Schneiderman: In 1984, Rupert Murdoch thought he had seen the future. He summoned his top editors and publishers to a meeting in New York to learn about “electronic journalism” and the impending death of printed newspapers. After two days of spirited discussions and a primitive demonstration of an electronic Washington Post, the attendees declared that the demise of printed newspapers was inevitable." complete story
By David Schneiderman
former CEO of Villiage Voice
Seattle, WA.
Presented by Tech Flash
I'd like to thank you for your passionate participation and your comments on the recent school drug bust story. (commenting continues). Do you feel more a part of our community and closer to your family when we engage this way? Can you think of any other recent events or burning issues we can gather around and share? The school bond defeat? Local tagging or graffiti art? The Downtown Park? Parking? Others? In the comments section below, please type in the topics YOU want to talk about. Then, come back here to read and tell your neighbors what you think!
~B Yoder
"Redmond's Journey into new media"
Great link. I'd like to share but couldn't access your twitter.
The content of this story has greatly affected my life and the life of my parents. I grew up in the print publishing world. My husband and I have been in book publishing for the last 15 years. My father was a photo journalist for the L.A. Times and my mom is still in the newspaper biz in Seattle. My dad had to roll with the times and he quickly adapted his work to be in line with the digital age and online photojournalism. The rest of us are still figuring out our place in the digital world of publishing. I am doing a balancing act by continuing to publish books in print but also attempting to publish books and magazines online. The business is evolving quickly and it can be both exciting and exhausting trying to keep up. While I must keep up with the times for the sake of income and a dedication to our community and environment, I am saddened by the loss of print newspapers which were a big part of my childhood memories.
Thanks for the heads up, Julie. I'm going to try to fix it this afternoon. Twitter works outside of my site so it must be the widget. Once is install the new platform I'm expecting fewer issues like this.
As for your family history in print, I'm understanding your loss. I've been to two journalism workshops sponsored by the TIMES. The atmosphere was somewhat depressing as they all were learning how to cope and understand the new digital media age. It's a very tough time for print. It's also just a challenging to keep up with the pace and learning curve required of digital media publications, like mine and the others forming.
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