Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Reference Librarian Andy McClung asks for your support on February 9.

Andy McClung, Reference Librarian at the Redmond Library
Opinion:  Whenever I enter the Redmond Library, I usually find Andy working hard at the Reference Desk.  He is one of nine librarians charged with servicing hundreds of citizens a day.  Andy's also involved in the community.  I've seen him at the Saturday Market working the Redmond Historical Society booth.  In addition, he is assigned to the City's land use notice board in the library lobby.
Everyone has their favorite thing to to at the library.  I like to use the computers for my work, look at the personal finance newsletters, and have studied there with my 'lunch buddy'.   Andy says the summer children's reading program is just as popular as when I brought in my daughter 10 years ago.  He was excited about plans for a new adult reading program this summer.  Their new Library Blog is awesome.  I often share their stories and photos on my blog.  Have you seen them?
We talked a little about the Proposition One levy lid-lift on the ballot for February 9.   The county library system cut almost $2 million from the operating budget in 2009 and they need to restore the levy to preserve service levels.  Financial support isn't needed just for the Redmond library -- 43 other county libraries will benefit.  Funding for books, computers, and building maintenance would be restored with passage.
The levy is $32 on a home assessed at *$400,000.  That's only $2.70/month.  Hey, I can drink one less cup of coffee to support our library.  Can you?   Thanks, Andy, for all the work you do.
*The average assessed valuation in the L.W. school district is $517,000.
by Bob Yoder


Anonymous said...

The $2.70 a month is a little misleading. Residents need to look at their property tax receipt under the heading of "current tax distribution--library" to see what they are currently paying out for the library. For most of us it's around $200 a year. Some of us aren't spending our money on daily lattes, Bob. ;-)

Bob Yoder said...

You are correct, when looking at the whole enchilada (to stay with the food metaphor). I was just quoting the amount the levy would be lifted if Proposition 1 passed.

Your same thinking can be applied to the school district levy renewals and bond. The average property owner is now paying about $1470/year. If the levy/bond is approved we will have to pay an additional $170/year.