Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mayor Marchione recommends support of Lake Washington School District ballot measures.

UPDATE (1/6):   Council approved the Mayor's resolution 6-1.

Tonight, the Redmond city council will vote on the Mayor's resolution to approve Lake Washington School District's two levies and bond ballot measures.  The Resolution is clear and concise and worthy of your review.  It's main points are as follows: 

1.  LWSD must rely on local levy dollars for almost one-fifth of the general operating funds that pay for basic expenses like textbooks, teacher training, transportation...

2.  LWSD relies on local levy dollars for technology for learning and efficient administration.  (Some extras:(1:1 computing will be added to secondary and intermediate school levels:  $2M.  Staff training, professional development, and equipment safety will be added: $2.5M).

3.  LWSD relies on local levy dollars to protect taxpayer's investment in school building to ensure timely replacement of major building systems like roofs and floors and enhance energy conservation and safety.

4. LWSD is prudently preparing for an increase in students by planning for more classroom space to prevent over crowding. (high schools will be reconfigured to 9-10-11-12; the need for 2 additional elementary schools will be eliminated; modernization of Juanita High School.) .

FISCAL IMPACT:   The Office of the Mayor says the three measures will cost property owners approximately $14 per month for an average 2010 assessed home in the district of $505,000.  (Assessed property values are assumed to increase 2% in 2011 and 4% in 2012 and beyond). 

Passage of the Capital modernization and remodeling Bond requires 60% voter approval. 

by Bob Yoder

Sources:  - AM No. 10-002:  Approval of Resolution Supporting the Lake Washington School District Propositions (Executive, City of Redmond)
a. Resolution No. 1318: A Resolution Supporting Passage of Lake Washington School District's February 9, 2010, Proposed Ballot Proposition Nos. 1, 2, and 3: Replacement of Existing Educational Programs and Operations Levy, Replacement of Existing Capital Projects Levies, and General Obligation Bonds in an amount of $234,000,000

1 comment:

  1. The LWSD levy measure has been presented in a very opaque way. Nothing is covered in Voter's Guide where there is at least an opportunity for a rebuttal. I got a postcard extolling virtues of all the good things the money will do but not on iota of information about how it compares to existing property tax. All the data was for 2011 and beyond and none for the expiring levy. Needless to say, I voted _NO_ and will encourage others to do the same.
