Tuesday, January 5, 2010

If you like the movie AVATAR, you'll enjoy this January 10th Digital Arts Festival special!

SPECIAL:  Virtual and Live Concert previews the  Digital Arts Festival - totally cool!

As a preview to the Digital Arts Festival, a musical event, both live and virtual, will happen on Sunday, January 10 from 3 to 5pm at Soul Food Books, 15748 Redmond Way and on Second Life (http://www.secondlife.com/). The event is free.
Six to eight musicians will perform in an open mic format. This performance will be streamed onto Second Life where a corresponding virtual event will take place at Gwampa's Dance Kamp - a beautiful, large outdoor amphitheater in the sky. The musicians will be on stage at Soul Food Books while their avatars are on stage in Second Life. Audiences in both worlds will listen and enjoy the concert.
Both venues will also have the benefit of watching the other concert side-by-side. Video of the live concert will stream on Second Life beside the avatars and the virtual concert will be projected onto a screen at Soul Food Books. To watch the event on Second Life, log in and search for Redmond.
The schedule for the Digital Arts Festival is available at http://www.redmondartsfestival.com/ .  
Redmond’s second Digital Arts Festival will take place on January 15 and 16, at Redmond City Hall, DigiPen Institute of Technology and Digital Double Motion Capture Studios. The all-ages event is a celebration of digital arts in video game production and digital technology. Registration is free for much of the festival.
Three workshops take place on Saturday, January 16 at DigiPen Institute of Technology in Redmond.   Tickets are $10 each and can be purchased online through the festival’s website at http://www.redmondartsfestival.com/ .

Source:  City of Redmond press release.

1 comment:

  1. If you are looking for more events in Redmond, check out our events calendar at http://www.experienceredmond.com/
