Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sports participation fees at LWSD schools

During the  LWSD - Redmond City Council Study Session of 12/8, Commissioner John Stilin raised the question of  sports participation fees.

Superintendent Kimball answered:
 A renewed levy will still not cover the full cost of sports participation fees.  The total cost of one sport/kid/year is $600.  Parents will still pay $275/year/sport and the levy will subsidize the remaining $325.  Recent State budget cuts necessitate the use of levy fees for basic education rather than sports fees, and the like. 
reported by Bob Yoder


Anonymous said...

It would be helpful if the school district provided a spreadsheet to explain where they got their $600 per student-sport cost expense. Sports requiring special facilities and equipment such as football and swimming have to be more expensive than cross-country or baseball. Bus travel, facilities, coaching staff, length of season and the number of athletes all have to be considered to determine the actual cost of each student in a sport. Also, consider that football does have boosters and charges admission to its games. The district must have a financial break-down of the cost (and revenue) of each sport. It will be interesting to see how much each student really costs.

Bob Yoder said...

Good points. The LWSD Administration reads these comments; maybe they can drill down and answer you. Considering how many sports they "subsidize" you'd think they could readily give us a breakdown.