Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The LWSD Surplus Technology Equipment Sale!

If you haven't yet found that perfect, reasonably priced holiday gift, you may want to try the Lake Washington School District.  That's right!  In the near future, the District (425-882-5100) may be releasing some of their surplus technology equipment for sale to the general public.

The SCHOOL BOARD approved "Surplus Material and Equipment" Resolution No. 2047 at their Regular Meeting, 11/23.
"A large portion of the surplus items include district furniture and equipment due to ongoing modernizations, computers due to ongoing staff and student upgrades and textbooks.  It will be offered for sale/redistribution through RCW 28.A.335.180.  This could include providing technology equipment to indigent students, sales to other private and public schools and sale to the general public and/or disposal."  - LWSD Board Meeting packet, 11/23 (page 10).
For more information, try rlandis@lwsd.org or call the District. 

A few of the surplussed items:

Camcorder (64 units)  CD burner (11)  Computers, Compaq & HP (262)  Digital Cameras (127)

Document Camera (127)  Laptops (10)  Monitors (196)  Printers, HP (95)  Printers, Xerox (47)

Proliant Servers, Compaq & HP (11)  Video Editing Decks (13)  Refrigerators, small (LOT)

Popcorn machine (3)  Filing cabinets (LOT)  Ice Cream Machine (1) Lathes (3) Chairs, adult (LOT)

Basketball Backboards (4) Drillpress (Rockwell 15-017) 1  Band Saw (1)  Bookcase (LOT)

What do you need? 

by Bob Yoder

CC:  LWSD Administration

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's great they have all this surplus technology - too bad they can't get one color printer for Redmond Elementary. Yep, that's right - not one color printer in the school.