Saturday, October 24, 2009

Opinion | Tim Eyman: Time to give it a rest | Seattle Times Newspaper

Opinion Tim Eyman: Time to give it a rest Seattle Times Newspaper

1 comment:

ricardo said...

I lived in Colorado back in 1978 for 3 years. Colorado has a state income tax; Washington state does not. Colorado uses a year-round school schedule (two 6-week breaks); Washington state uses a single 12-week break. The Colorado school schedule accomodates more children, and makes better use of the facilities. Colorado has less manufacturing than Washington. Boeing is a much larger presence in Washington. Washington, of course, has major international ports (Seattle + Tacoma); Colorado does not. Thus, transportation is a big deal in Washington, less so in Colorado.

So there are plenty of differences between Colorado and Washington, making it difficult to foresee how I-1033 would further disable (destablize) our state.

But if you look at the paralysis of our state's infrastructure, and poor national ranking of funding our schools, it is not hard to imagine our state falling further behind. Our state has much to offer, but I-1033 does not show up as a "yellow brick road" leading to the land of Oz. It offers very little hope for improving our infrastructure and schools.