Returning home from the Park & Ride, it dawned on me, not one commuter was reading a newspaper or even carrying one! And, not one commuter put a quarter in the newspaper dispenser or even picked up the local freebie. Most travelers were zoning out on their I-Pods or scrolling PDA's.
I have fond memories of my Dad years ago, when he taught me how to fold a newspaper in a New York subway train, so I could open and read it without bothering the commuter next to me. How the times have Bob Yoder
Great idea! Good job, Bob.
I used to read the newspaper on the bus, but I decided the Seattle Times wasn't worth the money to pay for it.
So now I read it on my PDA from a personally formatted grab of their text only pages I sync to it (I'm a dinosaur still using my old Palm V).
Keep spreading the word.
I love the newspaper, I have been a reader/subscriber since college days (a looong time!) and am sad to see the newspaper business decline so dramatically. I prefer to read the newsprint and hope that option remains viable and available. Granted, the quality of the Seattle Times is not as good as it used to be, but at least Seattle still has a paper. News business need to stop giving their content away for free...
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