Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Redmond Town Center Police and Fire Substation

Redmond Town Center Police Fire Auxiliary
The Redmond Police and Fire Departments have a substation located at the Redmond Town Center.
16321 NE 74th Street, just down from Tully's and across the street from Marriott.  425-556-2692
Monday - Thursday 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Friday 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

**PLUS** Special appearances from McGruff the Crime Dog every final Thursday of the month!!


1. Child ID Kits -- are you prepared should your child go missing? Receive fingerprints, DNA sample, and picture to help identify them.
2. Engravers -- check out an engraver to engrave valuable items/electronics with your drivers license number--this helps to return found property when recovered if lost or stolen
3. Gun Locks -- While we neither encourage or discourage gun ownership, we do ask that if you choose to own one to please lock them. FREE locks are available at the substation. 
4. Crime, Fire, and Disaster Preparedness Material --  about prevention of crime and fire, disaster preparedness, Neighborhood Watch Program, and Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Neighborhood Program.  N1H1 "Swine" Flu prevention and emergency phone to Evergreen Hosp.
5. Smoke Detectors -- we have limited supplies remaining, but they are available while they last.

-- this city website information can be found on the city search engine.

posted by Bob Yoder

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