Kim Allen - Redmond City Council Position 4.
"I'm doorbelling like mad--and really enjoying catching up with the folks in Redmond's great neighborhoods. So far, the Downtown Park is a general thumbs up and there is a cautious optimism for the growth in Downtown. Careful planning is the key."
"I am proud to report that I have just received the endorsement from Redmond Police!"Kim's Election Website,
Excerpts from FaceBook, 9/21
by Bob Yoder
Hi Bob,
Thanks for your blog and the focus you bring to Redmond. Wanted to take this opportunity for a word on signs. I waited as long as I could to delay that seasonal form of visual clutter but the time has come to put up some signs to let busy folks know that I am running for re-election for my seat. I will not blanket areas with a bunch of signs in a clump and I promise, as in years past, to remove all of those signs within 48 hours of election day. Once the results post on November 3, we will fan out across Redmond to start picking them up. At the end of the day, however, I hope my record and accomplishments speak louder than yard signs when Redmond voters make their choice for who should represent them on the Council. Your readers should check out the video profiles and candidate forum at Redmond TV on demand to help them make an informed choice--
Thanks for keeping the sign clutter to a minimum. Campaign signs posted on private neighborhood property speaks the loudest with the least litter.
Kim, please drop a sign off for us to stake in our lawn! I want neighbors to know our family supports you! I'll help you pick them up, too --- just as I did for Margeson and Marchione.
All the best!
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