Sunday, August 30, 2009

What do "signal markers", "sharrows" and "bike boxes" have in common?

Any bicyclist (and driver) will immediately relate to the meaning of the photo and diagram on the right. The two large arrow heads with a bicycle you see in these pictures is called a "sharrow". They indicated where cyclists will share the road with vehicles. Redmond Communications Dept. announced on August 20 that sharrows "will replace the separate bike lane in the future" and both Redmond and Kirkland are now piloting sharrows and bicycle signal sensors on select streets.

Redmond bicyclists will find sharrows and signal sensors on 150th Avenue NE from NE 40th to NE 51st Streets.

SIGNAL SENSORS: New road markings help cyclists know where to stop so the signal can sense them. A bicycle symbol marking is painted on the road and when the cyclist stops on it, the signal is activated. Thanks to our "Redmond PED BIKE Advisory Committee," this 2 minute YOUTUBE on triggering traffic signals is available: Traffic Loop Detection for Bicycles. Questions? CONTACT: city planner .

BIKE BOXES: search this blog for "bike box" - and now you know the rest of the story....

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