Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Council and Mayor "rap" about the Budget

Last night, the Council and Mayor held a long rap session on the City budget.

Of the General Operating Fund and Capital Fund, which do you think is the most political in our community? According to Council President Nancy McCormick, the Capital fund wins. Hmmm. She must be thinking about our newer $50M City Hall. Mayor Marchione would prefer to put large Capital expenditures out to vote.

Marchione's staff also suggested simplifying transfers to the Capital fund from the General Fund. Staff asked to limit transfers from six "bucket" allocations to 3 buckets. The three proposed capital buckets are: 1) Parks, 2) Transportation, and 3) General Government. As compared to the present transfer method, "Parks" allocation would increase by 20%, the "Transportation" bucket would increase by 20% and "General Government" (Fire, Police, Government) decreases 35%. No decisions were made.

Halving the buckets would cut out council's cherished "Council Contingency" bucket. Eliminating this bucket suggests of a Council "working consensus" and trust in the Marchione Administration, qualities that were lacking in the prior Administration. Ostensibly, the Marchione Administration would have greater flexibility and control.

Much talk centered around establishing a "sinking fund" to plan for replacement of the Public Safety Building (PSB) and Senior Center. Mr. Cole considered the PSB a legacy building and wanted to start storing away money for its eventual replacement in 20-30 years. Councilmember Kimberly Allen was cautious about creating "silos" to store biennium surpluses. Councilmember Pat Vache' went with the flow of the conversation speaking in generalities. Both are up for re-election.

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