OPINION: In a story a few posts down, I focused on three recent problematic issues surrounding two city Commissions. I hope you'll enjoy reading this positive story about the great good that comes out of our Commissions.
When thinking about "what's right" with our commissions it is clear commissions often serve as an "incubator" for the growth and development of new city leaders, councilmembers, and mayors.
For Example:
1. Four sitting councilmembers were once commissioners. Councilmember Hank Margeson was a past Vice Chair with Parks Commission. Councilmembers Richard Cole, Kim Allen, Pat Vache, and Nancy McCormick were once on the Planning Commission. Of special interest, Pat Vache sat on the first Planning Commission established by the City. I nick-name Mr. Vache "The Commissioner".
2. Tom Payne was on the Parks Commission before election to Council. He has since resigned.
3. Suzanne Querry was a Parks Commissioner before Vice-Chairing the Planning Commission. Suzanne is the only citizen I know who has served on two commissions. She is well qualified to be a councilmember should she choose to run.
4. Richard Grubb has been a long-time community activist, councilmember and eloquent speaker. I don't know if he was ever a commissioner. Maybe a reader could fill in the blanks.
5. Mayor Rosemarie Ives informed me she served on the Planning Commission for six years and as councilmember for four years, before being elected Mayor for 16 years.
6. Mayor Doreen Marchione served on Council for two years.
7. Mayor John Marchione served on Council for four years, though not on a commission.
8. Redmond's first woman Mayor Christine Himes opened up a dozen new parks and a citywide trail system so she may have been on a Parks Commission of sorts before becoming Mayor?
Citizen Advisory Committees and the Redmond Historical Society are other ways to volunteer and grow into a commissioner or council seat. Miguel Llanos, V.P. Redmond Historical Society and Newsletter Editor was recently sworn in to the Landmarks and Heritage Commission. Councilman Hank Margeson served on the Education Hill CAC. Planning Commissioner Querry was the Ed. Hill CAC liaison. Martin and Lori Snodgrass once chaired two different commissions as spouses under the Ives Administration. I posted a story on the Snodgrasses in 2007.
The bottom line? "Much good" comes out of our commissions! Personally, I have high hopes for an Arts Commissioner to rise up to a Council position. I believe their time is coming.
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