Last December, the Pacific Northwest experienced a wind and rainstorm of major magnitude; Redmond didn't escape. 50-year plus floods hit our area. The flooding closed Interstate 5 for days. Freight transportation delays and highway repairs cost our State economy $50 Million.
Redmond Stormwater Manager Steve Hitch, captured eleven dramatic pictures of the flooding around town . Gary Smith spearheaded the citizen effort with a 1-minute video clip of Bear Creek flooding to within 10 feet of SR 520. ( Click HERE ). Contributing to the problem was the *Washington State Dept. of Transportation (*WSDOT) plan to widen SR 520 by building 4 new lanes into the Bear Creek flood plain!
Bear Creek flooding issues were so severe a contingent of city officials traveled to Olympia to ask Representative Ross Hunter, Finance Chair for relief. Councilman Richard Cole spearheaded talks with Representative Hunter. Councilwoman Allen assisted. CM McCormick thanked me copiously for my communications with Ross Hunter. She said CM Cole was shocked by how agreeable Hunter was. Mayor John Marchione kept the conversations moving forward. Natural Resource Director Jon Spangler estimated $8 Million would be needed to relocate Bear Creek away from the highway.
Representative Hunter (48th District) listened and responded!! Ross, a past Microsoft executive, connected with Microsoft to transfer funds from a culvert construction project to the restoration of Bear Creek! Representative Ross Hunter's action and the many who encouraged him, have secured our safety, welfare and quality of life for generations to come. Thank you, Ross!
But, to most, much more than public safety & welfare has been preserved. One of the largest populations of Endangered wild Chinock salmon run Bear Creek. After Bear Creek is re-located and the riparian vegetation is restored salmon will have better habitat and protections from WSDOT's caustic highway stormwater run-off. In fact, with empetus from the WRIA-8 watershed council and administrator Jean White, the King Conservation District granted several hundred thousand additional dollars to salmon recovery for this project! Click this page title for the full watershed salmon conservation report.
Thank you Representative Ross Hunter for making this all happen! Regardless of party affiliation, you have certainly earned my vote this election year!
*I received a flyer in the mail today from the Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT) announcing: "WSDOT is currently working on an agreement with the city of Redmond to contribute $8M towards the Bear Creek relocation project." Well, you now know where and how WSDOT got their funds! 8-16-08
From Redmond City Council President Nancy McCormick -
"Glad to see Ross getting the credit he deserves on the SR520 project." 8-16
From Redmond Mayor John Marchione:
The Redmond City Council will be approving the agreement with the State at the Tuesday night Council meeting. All systems are go for completing this deal by August 29th. This is a win-win for the environment and for progress
on transportation.
Credit goes to many people, including Representatives Hunter, Eddy, Springer, Jarrett, and Cliborn, and the whole Redmond City Council.
sent via PDA
Hi Mayor John Marchione -
I'm relieved you didn't give WSDOT credit for the $8M funding, as did they! Most of us have received a mailer from WDOT claiming they are "currently working on an agreement with the C.O.R. to contribute up to $8M towards the Bear Creek restoration project." I find this statement somewhat self-serving so I wrote a story in my blog to bring transparency to the issue.
Thank you, Mr. Mayor for your work on moving this project forward; and thanks to Gary Smith, Dick Schaetzel, Susan Wilkins, Miguel Llanos and other active citizens from Redmond,Woodinville,and Mercer Island - AND the city, county and state staffs - AND our elected officials who made this advancement a reality!
From Redmond Councilman Richard Cole
Bob, Thank you so much for the kind words for Rep. Ross Hunter(48th District) and myself, but a lot of people had to work together to get the funding for the Bear Creek relocation project identified and approved.
Rep. Deb Eddy (48th District) was instrumental in working with the State to get the funding identified and agreed to by the State. She was extremely persistent and would not quit until she received agreement from the State. Also Rep. Fred Jarrett (41st District) was very helpful in supporting our requests and providing key contacts. Nothing related to transportation happens without support from Rep. Judy Clibborn (41st District), as the Chair of the Transportation Committee. Redmond’s other two Representatives, Rep. Larry Springer and Rep. Roger Goodman (both from the 45th District) were also extremely helpful. Our two State Senators (Sen. Tom and Oemig) had to support this funding when this issue moved to the Senate. Redmond is very fortunate to have such a great group representing us in Olympia.
At the City, Mayor John Marchione and the entire City Council were involved and worked to make this happen. We had tremendous support from many Redmond City employees who worked with various representatives from the State of Washington.
And finally, letters from you to others to contact and lobby your Legislators for support for the Bear Creek relocation.
Job well done to all!
Richard Cole
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