Friday, August 8, 2008

The Redmond Digital Arts Festival, the Arts budget, and more...

Have you heard yet!

The Redmond Digital Arts Festival is coming soon! Registration is already underway. Click here for a must-see, self-guided tour!


OPINION: On a side note, below are abridged excerpts from the Redmond Arts Commission (RAC) two most current Minutes posted on the RAC website. Both excerpts discuss expanding the art program with budget increases or sponsorships. (Microsoft gave a $10,000 donation this Spring and 4Culture donated $17,000). The complete Minutes are posted on their website. The commission has about a 3-month delay in the posting of their Minutes. I hope they are usually more current.

Redmond Arts Commission Minutes (abridged) of May 8, 2008

The committee has decided to make this a smaller, more focused event to
start with. Commissioner Siegel showed RAC a sample program and website, including suggested presenters, exhibits and activities. He had a budget of $32,000 that is $7,000
over budget. This excess amount could potentially be covered by sponsors.
Redmond Arts Commission (RAC) felt that Commissioner Siegel’s outline looked great. Vice Chair Stilin suggested that the Sunday events end closer to 5pm and start a bit later in
the morning. Commissioner Sambamurti suggested that restaurants be
approached about sponsoring this event. Commissioner McCune suggested
that this event take place later in the fall since September is so busy.
Motion to move ahead with the Digital Arts & Gaming Festival:
Commissioner McCune
Second by: Commissioner Sambamurti
Motion carried: 5-0 unanimous

Redmond Arts Commission Minutes (abridged) of 4/21/08.


"Yelanjian (staff) reviewed the current budget and outlined areas where there could
be a possible change. RAC could come up with proposals for additional
programming to support an increase in the per capital funds. Another option
is to look at the Percent for Art ordinance to increase the projects that
qualify. It is currently based on 1% of the original (capital improvement) budget. There is a
possibility of changing that to make the percentage based on the final budget
instead, which is typically much larger than the original. This will be a
process of building a foundation for where RAC wants to go. The final piece
is that a portion of Yelanjian’s salary comes out of the parks budget, which
reduces the funding available for arts programs. This needs to be looked at
as well. The first offers go from the teams in June. The Mayor and Council
will look at what the projected funds are and will decide what percent goes to
which priority." 4-21-08

Bob's comment: Unfortunately, I can't find the RAC Minutes for the end of May, June, July, or early August which would give the results of Council's funding decisions, had they made them. 8-8-08
Voice the views of the community to Mayor and City Council in reference to all cultural
endeavors" -
RAC motto headlined on all Minutes.

Staff contact: Mary Yelanjian

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