The Redmond Saturday Market is the oldest Eastside Open Air Market and the sixth longest running in the State of Washington. It has been in continuous operation every summer since 1976 and is located at 7730 Leary Way. This year will mark its 33rd season with a membership of 130 vendors and an average attendance of 80 vendors per week.
I've done a few vendor booths in my day for my craft business, but I've never taken my kids with me, so this will be a first for them. They actually will get a chance to see what it's like for me to sit in one spot from 9am to 3pm and talk to people about crafts. They have always begged to come, but I've said no because it's work for me and they do tend to be a handful. So this Saturday, instead of "Take Your Daughter's to Work Day" my daughters will get to call it "Take Your Mom to Work Day" since young vendors must be accompanied by a guardian while selling at the Market.
So be sure to stop by the kid's crafts area and support a young artisan starting to make their way in the craft vending world!
Koloud 'Kay' Tarapolsi
Co-author, Overlake Neighborhood
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